About us


Mysticism has always been sadly underrated in our modern world. When I was three years old I was visited by a wild black cat who I went crazy over, and happened to give me my life long nickname. Until this day, they have never stopped visiting me. At 5 years old, I was did the Raindance with my brother in my garden. The dance and it's ceremony came so natural to me. No one taught me how to do it. As children, I believe we show signs of behaviour and character which portray our past lives.


I have always been drawn to the indigenous Americas, and I have always loved Native American Indian culture. I owe so much of my spirit journey to their teachings and way of life. In 2016, I had dream/vision of a black puma walking up on my bed. I felt afraid, but the animal came right up to my face without harming me. It was a time in my life when I was going through difficulty, but I now believe this has always been my spirit animal, and it was actually protecting me.


My life went on, and my spiritual journey began properly in 2021 when I believe, I met an Angel who changed the course of my life. It wasn't until a few years later in 2024, when an Angel appeared on my wall. After this visitation, I started to prepare the call to follow the path of Spirit.

Healing others through Spirit is a life calling. It is something I always wanted to do, and so I am passionate about my work. Tarot cards and Astrology are only the tools, but really it is the reader behind the cards which I feel matters the most.


It is important to know that you are never alone. Your guardian angels, spirit guides, & even your ancestors are always beside you, though you can not see them. They encourage you to smile and see the simple beauty of life, always. Nothing is ever a coincidence.

As my dear friend would often say...

"Trust Cosmos & Keep smiling."


All my love 💕Through Love & Light ✨



                                                              Lady Indigo xx 🙏